Read of Song of Songs 4:10. “How fair is thy love, my sister, my spouse! How much better is thy love than wine! And the smell of thy ointments than all spices!”To Him (Jesus), your love is much better than the wine of sin, which had intoxicated you in the past life. The odor emanating from your ointments is much better than all spices. “Ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. (Col. 3:3). As Christ in you is the hope of glory, so He is the source of fragrance in your life. The ointments made of olive oil and spices which were used for medicinal purposes in the olden days are symbolic of the indwelling Holy Spirit Who possesses all the traits of Jesus. This Odour of Ointments in you reaches the multitudes in the world that live in sin, and saves them from sin. This Odour of Ointments in you heals those afflicted by any dreaded disease, which cannot be cured by the medical science. This Fragrance in your life is much better than the fragrance emitted by the glory of the worldly kingdoms located in all the seven continents of this world. Dear bride, you may not be a prime minister or a president in any nation. You may not be a monarch or a prince in any nation. You may not be a rich person wearing costly garments, sprinkled by perfumes. But to God the Father, the odor of Christ in you is much better than the odor emitted by the lives of the great people of this world. Wherever you are, or in whatever position you may be, you are carrying the sweet fragrance of Christ in this dying world. People see Christ in you, the hope of glory, and are gravitated to God the Father by the fragrance of the Holy Spirit in you.