“Thy neck is as a tower of ivory; thine eyes like the fish pools in Heshbon, by the gate of Bath-rabbim; thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon which looketh toward Damascus”, the daughters of Jerusalem continue their adoration in verse 4 of Chapter 7 in the Song of Songs. Dear bride, your neck is strong as a tower of ivory and free from the spiritual spondylitis. In all adverse circumstances, you should lift up your head and see the One Who is seated on the High Throne. Don’t look down in despair or look sideward in anticipation of human help. It is as strong as a tower made of ivory. In Chapter 4:4, the Bridegroom compares it to the tower of David built for an armory. A tower made of ivory, the tusks of elephants, is very costly. It is different from ordinary towers. The Holy Ghost compares your neck to this tower. Your eyes are likened to the fish pools in Heshbon by the gate of Bath-rabbim. Your eyes are full of tears like the fish pools in Heshbon. Whenever you make intercessory prayers, the Holy Spirit fills your heart with love and tears may roll down your eyes. Sometimes as I minister to others, God fills my heart with a great burden and I become emotional with tearful eyes. Heshbon is an ancient city built by Reuben, also known as the Levitical city. This shows that as you minister like a priest standing in the Levitical city, you should pray for God to give you a heart full of burden so that your eyes become like the Heshbon fish pools.

Your nose is likened to the tower of Lebanon. It is also as strong as the tower of Lebanon. Through the nose, one smells and breathes. As the bride of Christ, you smell His holy, fragrant presence and breathe His very life. Your nose is perfect without any defect. When you were without Christ, you had smelt the fragrance of this world and had breathed its life. As such it was spiritually defective. On your re-birth, your nose has become spiritually strong and perfect. Dear child of God, if you physically suffer from any breathing problem or any respiratory disease, you should meditate on this verse. On re-birth, you have acquired perfection in Christ Jesus. You are complete in Him. Though some of your senses might have been physically defective before your spiritual re-birth, all your senses, either physically or spiritually, are now perfect in Christ Jesus. Don’t pray “Please heal me, O Lord”. But instead, thank and praise Him for giving you perfect senses on re-birth. Divine healing is for the total man. On your re-birth, Jesus Christ has healed your soul and body.