To the query of the daughters of Jerusalem, the Shulamite replies in verse 2 of Chapter 6 in the Song of Songs, “My beloved is gone down into his garden, to the beds of spices, to feed in the gardens, and to gather lilies”. Dear bride of Christ, do you always call Jesus “my Beloved” as the bride of Song? Christ Jesus is gone down to His garden. His garden is the chosen people of God. Where two or three people are gathered together in His Name, Jesus Christ is in their midst (Matt.18: 20). The assembly of God’s children is the garden of Christ Jesus. It is not a lifeless building of a cathedral or a chapel. Nobody can find Christ in an inanimate building. But one can find Him in the assembly of God’s chosen people. In the early period of the Church, Christ manifested Himself by signs and miracles through the body of His disciples. Today also, Jesus Christ is in the midst of His people. His garden consists of innumerable gardens referred to as “the gardens” in this verse. Every individual disciple is one of the many gardens. His garden is thus made of several individual gardens. The beds of spices are the holiness and righteousness of the chosen people of God in His garden. Jesus loves the fragrance of holiness and righteousness of His disciples. He commands us to be holy as God is and to be more righteous than the Pharisees or the religious people around us. Jesus yearns after the holiness and righteousness of His disciples and visits His garden to feed in the individual gardens.

He also gathers and feeds lilies in these gardens. He especially loves to be in the fellowship of His holy disciples likened to the lily flowers, which are of great purity and whiteness. These disciples are such that keep their life holy even in small things. They abhor unholy conversation; avoid unholy conduct and resist unholy thought.