The Shulamite continues her statement in verse 11 of Chapter 6 in the Song of Songs, “Or ever I was aware, my soul made me like the chariots of Amminadib. Before she was aware of what was happening, her soul had made her as the chariots of “Amminadib”. Amminadib means spiritually “noble people”. The Shulamite’s own people were noble, and their chariots swift as the wind. Dear bride of Christ, these chariots are the angels of God carrying your intercessory prayers to the Heaven. These chariots are meant for the chosen people of God who are in need of your prayers. As such, these chariots are of your noble kinsmen–those of the Body of Christ. At times, all of a sudden, the Holy Spirit in you puts a burden on your heart to intercede before the Throne of God for some God’s people. It so happens that your spirit prays in an unknown tongue bypassing your mind. Before your mind could be activated, the prayer request reaches the very Throne of God through a swift chariot i.e. angel. The prayer request may be for an unknown servant of God languishing in a prison cell for the sake of the gospel or for an unknown child of God on the deathbed, or in the snare of the Devil. As you seek God’s help in interpreting the tongue, your mind will know about the significance of that prayer in tongue (I Cor.14: 13-14).

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