“Draw me, we will run after thee…” pleads the bride in verse 4 of Chapter 1 of the Song of Songs to her Beloved who has now made His sudden appearance on hearing the song of His bride in praise of His Personality in the preceding verse.You may claim yourself to be a “saved person”. But still you must needs constantly cry out to Jesus “Draw me, we will run after thee”. Let Jesus draw you daily from the vanity of this world, and from the snares of the Devil. Let Him also draw you from the grip of apostates, false prophets and false teachers. Jesus draws you unto Himself alone as you belong to Him. He never draws you from one church to another, as many tend to think. But at times He does draw His children from some group/church or fellowship misled by false doctrines to another group or church/fellowship of sound doctrines. In this process too, He draws ultimately the persons concerned unto Himself alone.Until and unless Christ draws you unto Himself, and puts you into the ministry, you should not call yourself as His minister. Let Christ draw you unto Himself by revealing His abundant love to you, and by teaching you many lessons through the school of your personal life. After Jesus has drawn you unto Himself, there will be a multitude that would run after Him through your ministry. This means that you would start winning many a soul to Jesus.