“I have compared thee, O my love, to a company of horses in Pharaoh’s chariots,” sings the Bridegroom unto the bride in verse 9 of Chapter 1 of the Song of Songs, “ O my love”, Jesus calls His elect. We are the object or the center of attraction of His flaming love. His flame of love for us ever burns even after our backsliding. But, our love for Him may flicker or oscillate anytime due to vicissitude of circumstances. His love emanates deep from His heart and finds expression in the words of His mouth calling you. “O my love”. This would certainly awaken you from your long slumber in being indifferent to His persevering love, and would make you comprehend His ever-flowing streams of love.You may feel spiritually weak as you indulge in self-condemnation concerning your past failures. Or you may feel guilty as you lend an ear to the Devil who is bent upon accusing you and magnifying your past failures day and night. In order to nullify all this, the Bridegroom compares you to a company of horses in Pharaoh’s chariots. The company of horses in Pharaoh’s chariots were so swift and mighty that they pursued the children of Israel who were fleeing from Egypt and “overtook them encamping by the sea” (Exo.14: 9). You are not a weak person but a person charged with the dynamic power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. “In all things, we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who loved us” (Rom.8: 37).

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