“Tell me, O thou whom my soul loveth, where thou feedest where thou makest thy flock to rest at noon: for why should I be as one that turneth aside by the flocks of thy companions?” the bride sings in verse 7 of Chapter 1 of the Song of Songs unto the one whom her soul loves. We find here that her soul still loves her beloved, her blackness notwithstanding. Her blackness or spot does not stand in the way of her soul loving him. Here she addresses her song to her beloved enquiring from him, in an indirect and discreet manner, the place where he is accessible to her in times of her losing his presence. She desires to know the place of his flock, instead of desiring to know directly from him the exact place where he stays. Dear bride of Christ, knowing that the Good Shepherd is always with His flock, you should desire to trace His flock so that you might find Him in the company of His flock. In the midst of the apostates, false prophets, false teachers, etc. who throttle the churches of God from within, and in the midst of selfish shepherds who virtually thrive at the cost of their flocks, there are a small number of dedicated and selfless God’s people who are in fact the flock of the Lord. If you want to be in the presence of God, you have to trace this flock. This people are known for their sacrificial love toward one another and they love all saints and all churches without distinction. This people are but in one flock, following the footsteps of their divine Shepherd. Though they are members of certain local churches, they throw to wind the petty doctrinal differences, or denominational affiliations, which cause divisions in the Body of Christ. Neither are they bound by the false doctrines being propagated in their churches. They are able to discern distinctly the voice of the thief because they “are members of His Body, of His flesh, and of His bones” (Eph.5: 30).

This flock of the Lord is led by the Shepherd Himself in “green pastures” and “beside the still waters” so that they are given rest at noon (Ps.23.2). “Where thou makest thy flock to rest at noon?” asks the bride. The flock of the Lord needs rest at noon from the scorching heat of the day. This means they need rest in times of crises and tribulations, which normally scorch their spiritual lives. The green pastures are the abundant “grace of God” and the still waters are the “living waters” being given by Jesus from time to time to His flock that have been affected by the scorching sun.

Next..... Companions