“Thy naval is like a round goblet which wanteth not liquor: thy belly is like an heap of wheat set about with lilies”, continues the daughters of Jerusalem in their admiration of the beauty of the Shulamite in verse 2 of Chapter 7 in the Song of Songs. The naval in the center of the abdomen may appear insignificant, as it has no specific function to perform. But in the sight of God, the Creator, this insignificant part is very precious. The naval is the umbilicus or depression caused in the center of the abdomen. The umbilical cord connects the foetus to the placenta, which is the structure that unites the unborn mammal to the womb of its mother and establishes a nutritive connection between them. In other words, the naval string or the umbilical cord is the lifeline to the unborn baby from the mother’s womb. As and when the fully-grown baby comes out of the womb, this cord is disconnected. Similarly, when a person is being born again in the Spirit of God, there is a direct lifeline to that person from God. That person gets revelation of God through the lifeline of the Holy Spirit while being born again. God reveals to him through His Word, and he is spiritually formed through the Holy Spirit. Once he is born, the lifeline from God is disconnected. Once he is born, the lifeline from God is disconnected because the Holy Spirit starts indwelling him. Through the lifeline, you would have experienced some supernatural encounter with God at the time of your initial conversion. You may not again encounter the same supernatural experience after your spiritual birth because the lifeline has been cut off. After conversion, you may not need the stereotype or the same supernatural experience because the Holy Spirit has taken abode in your heart. The naval once formed would continue to be there in the center of the abdomen constantly reminding you of your initial encounter with the living God and of the perpetual presence of the Holy Spirit in your heart.

This naval, in the sight of God, looks beautiful like a round goblet in which no mixed wine is wanting. In lieu of the ordinarily meaning words, “a round goblet full of liquor”, the divine Author uses a poetic language by saying, “a round goblet, which wanteth no liquor”! The wine is symbolic of the Blood of Jesus. The Amplified Version calls it “mixed wine”. The Blood of Jesus before shedding on the Cross of Calvary was of the Jewish race. But after it was shed on the Cross, it became the mixed wine because it brought the Jewish race on par with the heathen race. It is now in a round goblet. Goblet means a large drinking cup, properly one without a handle. Any human being, belonging to any race, society, religion, and nation etc. can have access to the round goblet from any side. As the cup has no handle, nobody can hold the cup in his hand, exclusively for himself, his society, his race, his religion or his nation. It is open to all.

The naval, which reminds you of your new birth, is very significant. It is beautiful like the round goblet containing mixed wine. The abdomen will look ugly in the absence of the naval in its center.

Secondly, your belly is like a heap of wheat set about with lilies. The belly has in it the digestive organs of the body, without which the food cannot be digested and converted into blood. Similarly, the words of God meditated and digested in your spiritual digestive system by you quicken your soul. Your spiritual digestive system is to be always active by the intake of the words of God. Merely memorizing a large portion of the Bible verses is not enough. There are a number of God’s people who can quote the Bible verses verbatim but don’t discern the exact and apt message of the Holy Spirit emanating from these Bible verses to them. There are many promises, comforts and counsels of God that will help you in every peculiar situation.

As His bride roaming about in the wilderness, your ears should be tuned to listen to His voice in the Word. Your spiritual digestive system is perfect like the belly of the Shulamite. But your spiritual ears should be attentive to His voice. The belly is likened to the heap of wheat set about with lilies. Our daily bread is mainly made of wheat, the chief food-grain of the world. The heap of wheat is symbolic of the abundant messages of God through His Word. It is set about with lilies. Lilies are pure and white. The Bible is cent percent pure in its content. It reveals the holiness of the holy God. It reveals the mind and thoughts of God. It contains the pure wisdom of God. It does not contain the human wisdom of scientists, researchers, novelists, poets etc.