“I would lead thee, and bring thee into my mother’s house who would instruct me; I would cause thee to drink of spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranate”, continues the Shulamite in her dream world in verse 2 of Chapter 8 in the Song of Songs. Dear bride of Christ, there is a mother’s house for you. You had been born into the Kingdom of God by the gospel preached to you by a servant of God. In other words, a servant of God had spiritually begotten you. Afterwards you were fed with the word of God in some assembly or church. The people of God responsible for your spiritual growth constitute the mother’s house. Today, you may not be in touch with any of them. Maybe, the assembly or the servant of God concerned who are of the mother’s house has now backslidden or the Holy Spirit is not moving amongst them. It is your responsibility to intercede for them before God’s Throne of grace daily and to see that the Holy Spirit is led and brought into the mother’s house. As and when the presence of God is restored in the mother’s house, you would receive God’s guidance and instructions there as before.

Many years ago, when I was in spiritual infancy I was fed with the God’s word in an assembly and the God’s servants there instructed me in God’s word. The people of God of this assembly had since lost the vision of the Cross and the Holy Spirit ceased to work in their midst. But I used to intercede for them in the earnest hope that God would restore them His presence and the spiritual gifts lost by them. On restoration, you would cause the Holy Spirit to drink of the spiced wine of the juice of your pomegranate. As already discussed in verse 11 of Chapter 6, the pomegranates offer medicinal fruits to the weary and the sick. Those ministers of God likened to the pomegranates endowed with the spiritual gifts, due to their backsliding, might not have been able to produce the juice because the gifts given to them were not used of them mightily for winning multitudes to Christ. They produce one or two drops of juice out of a few pulpy edible seed coats of pomegranates by winning a few souls for Christ. On their restoration being caused by your tearful prayers, they would produce the full quantity of juice, which Christ looks for. Christ does not look for mere juice but spiced juice, which means saved souls who spread the fragrance of the glorious gospel. Christ is not looking for mere believers but for disciples who would take the gospel to every nook and corner of the world. This is the time He visits His garden for the spiced juice of His pomegranate. If you have not made full use of the spiritual gifts given to you by the Lord and produced the spiced wine, He will take away the gifts from you and give the same to another for producing the desired result.