“A bundle of myrrh is my well beloved unto me: he shall lie all night betwixt my breasts” sings the bride in verse 13 of Chapter 1 of the Song of Songs, adoring the personality of her beloved. Having experienced the loss of the presence of her beloved, she now recollects his mysterious personality and reveals to her friends that a bundle of myrrh is her well beloved unto her. Myrrh, according to dictionary, means “a bitter, aromatic, transparent gum exuded from the bark of Commiphora - a genus of the plants of the family Burseraceae”. As the Body of Jesus was crucified and broken on a tree, a bundle of myrrh was exuded from His Body as a sweet odor unto God. This bundle of myrrh is still in the world spreading a sweet fragrance of the knowledge and holiness of God everywhere. According to the Amplified Version, “My beloved is to me like a scent bag of myrrh that lies in my bosom”. Jesus, the scent bag of myrrh, would love to be very close to the one who breast-feeds like a mother the other members of the Body of Christ in a sacrificial manner by his sleepless watching for their sake or by ministering to the needy members or the poor saints even when he himself is in penury. Jesus would love to be in the bosom of, or to lie all night between the breasts of such a beloved disciple of His. John, the beloved disciple of Jesus, had the privilege of leaning on Jesus’ bosom (John 13:23). There are indeed a few selfless members in the Body of Christ by virtue of whose tearful intercessions, our souls are still preserved, and also by virtue of whose sacrificial offerings, we are carrying on our assigned work in His vineyard.