The king continues in his admiration, “This thy stature is like to a palm tree and thy breasts to clusters of grapes” in verse 7 of Chapter 7 in the Song of Songs.A palm tree is very tall. According to Jesus, you are taller in spiritual stature than the worldly rulers who are unrighteous and sinful. You may live in penury but are seated with Christ in the heavenly places. You are spiritually taller like a palm tree so that you may not smell the filth of the world lying underneath. Your spiritual breasts, which produce God’s messages, are likened to the clusters of grapes, which produce wine on being crushed. These messages likened to the wine comfort the broken hearted and heal the sick.

“I said, I will go up to the palm tree, I will take hold of the boughs thereof: now also thy breasts shall be as clusters of the vine, and the smell of thy nose like apples” says the king to the Shulamite in verse 8.

Dear bride of Christ, your life in Christ is like the tall palm tree. Only the Holy Spirit has the exclusive right to climb you and take hold of your organs for His ministry. Don’t allow any worldly person or any emissary of the Devil to climb your life and influence it in any manner. Don’t allow any false prophet/teacher to touch you lest he should climb you and take hold of your members for propagating his pernicious messages. Don’t yield your members to unrighteousness. The world and the Devil are casting their rays on you constantly to tempt you. “The smell of thy nose like apples”, adores the king about the nose of the Shulamite in verse 8. You have a spiritual nose, which smells the fragrant presence of Christ, Who is likened to the fragrance of apples. Do you feel the presence of Christ daily in your life? A basket of apples grown in places like Kashmir spreads its sweet fragrance. The fragrance of apples is different from the fragrance of flowers. An apple is edible whereas a flower is not edible. Christ is like an edible apple. “O taste and see that the Lord is good” (Ps.34:8). There are many religious leaders or Gurus whom people worship these days. Their teachings may appear fragrant to our nose but their personal life is not fragrant so as to be imbibed by us. As you abide constantly in the presence of Christ and smell His fragrance, your spiritual life inhaling the fragrant life of Christ becomes fragrant and Christ would testify, “The smell of thy nose like apples”.

Next....Roof of His Mouth