Previous......Among Thorns


“As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons”, says the bride in verse 3 in Chapter 2 of the Song of Songs, concerning the distinct and peculiar personality of her beloved. An apple tree, as many trees of the wood surround it, is quite distinct and refreshes a weary traveler who has lost his way in the jungle.Jesus who is the only Begotten Son of God is like the apple tree and His disciples, the adopted sons of God, are like the many trees of the wood in a jungle. As such, we ought not to take the place of the only Begotten Son of God Who is quite distinct from His disciples. He alone is found worthy (Rev.5: 3, 9). The ministers of God being merely the trees of the wood should not appropriate for themselves the glory and praises due to His Name.Any doctrine, which equates the sons of God with the only Begotten Son of God, is absolutely false. It is only Jesus Who gives us the living waters or the eternal Bread. A servant of God acts merely as a conduit of His living waters or His power. The source is Jesus only.Sad to say, nowadays many people return home disappointed or empty-handed without receiving blessings from God, having participated in evangelistic campaigns or healing crusades. It is because they had not gone to the Apple Tree but had staggered beside the trees of the wood, expecting fruits from the trees of the wood rather than from the Apple Tree. Jesus never fails anyone who goes to Him with a real hunger or thirst.

The surrounding trees of the wood in the Song of Songs do project in a pre-eminent manner the image of the enchanting Apple Tree in their midst. Similarly, as a true servant of Christ, you must project the image of Jesus Christ only. Paul wrote in II Cor.4: 5, “ We preach not ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake”. You ought not to preach yourself or your ministry in a boastful manner but Christ Jesus. Rather you must humbly present yourself before the people as their servant for Jesus’ sake. Don’t glory in the spiritual gifts endowed on you by God or in the calling of God, “save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ”(Gal.6: 14).

Today there are in our midst many children of God like the bride in the Song of Songs who had backslidden and lost the presence of her Beloved Shepherd. These children of God must but wade their way for the Apple Tree through the trees of the wood, which surround the apple tree. To such people, the Apple Tree looks very distinct from the trees of the wood, which mean those servants of God who judge and cast them out, even out-riding the self-righteous and prideful Pharisees and scribes. Even these Pharisees and scribes reserved the judgment of the adulterous woman for Jesus, the righteous Judge!im lwith a real hunger or thirst.

Next.....His Shadow and Fruit