Return O shulamite


“Return, return, O Shulamite: return, return, that we may look upon thee”, the daughters of Jerusalem beseech the Shulamite in verse 13 of Chapter 6 in the Song of Songs. Fascinated by the account given by the king about the beauty of the Shulamite, the daughters of Jerusalem are eager to look upon her and entreat her to return to them. “What will ye see in the (poor, little) Shulamite,” she replies humbly. “As it were the company of two armies”, the daughters of Jerusalem retort. Dearly beloved, you are a special person in the sight of Jesus because you have undergone great tribulation and sufferings in His Name and also because the children of God around you likened to the daughters of Jerusalem ignore and neglect your ministry and consider you as insignificant. As Christ lifts you up in the ministry in His due time by removing the veil of your secret ministry, the people of God around you will rush to you seeking your ministry. They will beseech you to return to them who had once ridiculed and neglected you. You will return to the very people from whom you had once fled. The word “return” is written four times here signifying the deep desire of these people of God for your special ministry.

When the people of God seek your ministry, you must humble yourself before them. Don’t brag about your calling or your ministry. Don’t forget that you are like the poor and little Shulamite. As you minister to them in a humble manner, the mighty presence of God and His power will be manifested through your ministry and the people of God will testify about your ministry that you are like the company of two armies. The power of God will destroy the fortress of the Devil and his kingdom in every town, and in every nation as if the combined might of two armies is revealed.