“I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love; until he please”, says the Shulamite in verse 4 of Chapter 8 in the Song of Songs. The Bridegroom charges the friends of the bride who surround the disheartened bride, not to stir up or awake His love till it pleases. He directs His love in endless streams to His comfortless and fearful bride. He alone understands the peculiar state of His beloved whereas the friends around the bride are not in a position to sympathize with or understand her. Rather, they surround her and stand in the way of His showering love upon her. A disheartened and desperate servant of God is flooded with the comfort and love of Jesus. Simultaneously, the children of God who are not aware of the peculiar state of the servant of God disturb him and thus don’t allow him to cherish the love of Jesus in that they disturb his personal fellowship with God or his prayer life by yearning after his ministry. Here is a difference. Jesus seeks His servant but the children of God seek the ministry of His servant. At such times, Jesus would be more concerned about His beloved servant and would charge the children of God, not to stir up or awake His love.