“I opened to my beloved: but my beloved had withdrawn himself and was gone, my soul failed when he spake: I sought him but I could not find him: I called him but he gave me no answer”, the bride laments in verse 6 of Chapter 5 in the Song of Songs. . The bride of the Song at last opened the door to her beloved. But he was not there. It was too late for her to open the door. She had missed the bus. How true it is in your life! You lost the presence of Christ as the spiritual slumber took on you. But Christ, the good Shepherd, after suffering the pangs of separation from you, came in search of you, the lost sheep, knocking at the door of your heart saying “Open to me, my beloved, my spotless one. I am wet with the heavy night dew; my hair is covered with it”. But you were procrastinating to open the door of your heart due to sheer lethargy. He then touched and sensitized your hardened heart. You rose up and finally opened the door of your heart. Alas! He was gone. Though you ultimately opened the door on sensitization of the heart, it was too late that He could not wait for an indefinite period. What a pity! You sought Him but could not find Him. You called Him but He gave you no answer. No doubt, He tarries till such time that the dew is formed on His head and will never forsake you. But, everything has a time factor.

It has happened in your life too. When Christ Jesus was very near wanting to help you in anticipation of some trouble, you had chosen not to open your heart to Him at that particular point of time. This ultimately led you to land in trouble and you had to shed tears in despair but could not find Him. You called Him but he gave no answer.

Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem foreseeing its destruction and said: “thou knewest not the time of thy visitation” (Luke 19:41-44). The people of Jerusalem knew not the time when their Messiah (Jesus) visited them. He was with them. He walked with them. He ate with them. He spoke to them. But the things pertaining to their peace hid from their eyes. Similarly, when Christ visits and knocks at the door of your heart, don’t delay to open it. “Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your heart as in the provocation.” (Heb 3: 15). If Jesus visits you today, don’t delay the matter till “tomorrow”. Tomorrow is not in your hands. Obey him today. Open your heart to him today.

Don’t make your beloved Shepherd tarry too long that his Head is covered with the drops of the night. He visits you at the right time of the night. He visits you when darkness of night is about to over-shadow you. You don’t know about the trouble brewing in your life as it is hidden from your eyes. That is why your beloved Shepherd calls you “My love, my undefiled open to me”. He wants you to commune with you so that He may reveal things to come. Watch and pray today so that God’s wrath may not destroy your nation, your family or your congregation tomorrow. He wants you to watch and pray today so that you may not fall into temptation tomorrow. Today is yours. Tomorrow is not yours.