“O that thou wert as my brother, that sucked the breasts of my mother! When I should find thee without, I would kiss thee: yea, I should not be despised”, tells the Shulamite to Solomon in verse 1 of Chapter 8 in the Song of Songs. The Shulamite wished her beloved lover had been his real brother who sucked milk from the breasts of her mother. If he had been his real brother, she could kiss him and others would not fault her for this. The Shulamite wished to bring her beloved shepherd king at par with her real brother so that she could give him brotherly kiss. Dear bride of Christ, you may also wish to bring down the Heavenly Bridegroom to the level of your imagination because your finite mind can comprehend the eternal love of the Heavenly Bridegroom to a limited extent on the earthly scale of human love. The Shulamite wished to bring down her shepherd king to the level of brotherly love just to kiss him. Similarly, in order to express your love towards your Heavenly Bridegroom, you may wish to bring Him down to an earthly level so that you can satisfy the desire of your heart for fellowship with Him. There is nothing wrong with it. You want to express your love to Him. At times, your young child may wish to play with you. And you fulfill its desire by coming down to his level and play with him.

In real life of the Shulamite, her beloved shepherd whom she wished to marry cannot be her brother who sucked the milk of her mother. It was merely her wish as she was in a world of imagination. Similarly, we may also equate the eternal Christ with our earthly parents, spouse, brother or sister as our level of understanding the divine love and of expressing our love to Him is very limited. The Shulamite wished to kiss her beloved shepherd in the guise of her brother so that the people around her would not despise her. Similarly, you may wish to express your love to Jesus in an earthly manner, which may not be despised by others. Many years ago, I was very much depressed and wanted to convey my emotions to Jesus. I took a piece of paper and started writing a love-letter to Jesus. I poured out my heart into that letter. Later I published this golden letter in my magazine.

Mary Magdalene kissed the feet of Jesus when He was in flesh and blood. Today we cannot kiss Him in flesh. But we can kiss Him through the word of our mouth or through our deep feelings of love emanating from the depth of our heart saying, “Lord, I love thee”. At times, you may become desperate, surrounded by problems, worries, accusations from your beloved people, disappointments, etc. You may wish to find and kiss Him by expressing your love from the depth of your heart. As you kiss Him, He reveals Himself to you in a special manner. Oh, He fills your heart with abundance of peace and His power through which you can conquer great mountains.