“The voice of my Beloved! Behold, he cometh leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills” tells the Shulamite in verse 8 of Chapter 2 in the Song of Songs, unto the daughters of Jerusalem. Hearing the peculiar voice of her beloved, the disheartened bride exults in joy here. She is able to discern the gentle voice of her beloved shepherd as quite distinct from the surrounding many voices of the daughters of Jerusalem as also the deceitful voices of thieves or strangers. She is quite familiar with his voice. Are you familiar with His voice? It never berates or condemns you though it rebukes you at times but in a gentle manner whenever you go astray from His ways. It is a persevering and persuasive voice manifesting His unfathomable love rather than an intimidating voice seeking revenge upon His bride. It is not a voice of condemnation but a voice ministering life unto her.

Next......Mountains and Hills