“His hands are as gold rings set with the beryl: his belly is as bright ivory overlaid with sapphires”, she keeps adoring the king in verse 14 of Chapter 5 in the Song of Songs.

The crucified hands of Jesus have become precious like rods of gold set with nails of beryl, a precious stone after His resurrection and glorification. Through these golden hands, Jesus opens the gates of the heaven and fills the empty vessels of your ministry, business or life so that your vessels overflow with His abundant blessings. Dear minister of God, don’t nurture any thought that your ministry would be always in want. Remember that the golden hands of Jesus set with beryl would prosper you with abundance of blessings. Bring your empty vessels to the Glorified Christ today.

The glorified Body of Christ is a figure of ivory overlaid with sapphire. We, the individual members of the universal Church, constitute the glorified Body of Christ. We are likened to the ivory, which is overlaid with sapphire. The ivory, made of the tusk of the elephant, is very white and costly. This is overlaid with sapphire, a brilliant precious variety of corundum, which is of a beautiful blue color. God has imputed to the Church His holiness, compared to the whitish ivory, and His righteousness, compared to the blue-colored sapphire. These two things have become very precious and costly because Jesus, the Son of God, has paid a very heavy price through His Blood.