“Thou art all fair, my love: there is no spot in thee” exclaims the bridegroom, looking to his bride, in verse 7 of Chapter 4 in the Song of Songs. The bride is always in the habit of looking down upon her in contempt saying, “I am swarthy”. But the divine Shepherd reminds her repeatedly in the Song, “Thou art fair”. In this particular verse, He goes a step forward and exclaims, “How beautiful you are!” You may not look beautiful in your own eyes or in the eyes of other children of God surrounding you. But, in His eyes which are like a flame of fire (Rev.1: 14) searching your while life, you are indeed beautiful. He only knows how beautiful you are. This is His testimony concerning you. He does not stop at that. He now confirms His testimony by a positive statement, “there is no spot in thee”.

The Devil or other human beings including your spouse or children can point an accusing finger at you, reminding you of your past life or your weaknesses. But, the divine Bridegroom proclaims, “There is no flaw in you”, holding His own mirror before you. This is the mystery of the Song of Songs. By self-introspection, you have already condemned yourself and think that you are not of any use in this world. But Jesus whispers into your ears “How beautiful you are! There is no flaw in you”. Dear bride, arise now and start a new life today with this testimony of Jesus concerning you. You may be a physically handicapped person or a person of dark complexion or of a short stature. But you are precious in His sight (Is.43: 4).
