“His head is as the most fine gold, his locks are bushy and black as a raven”, the Shulamite continues to adore the king’s personality in verse 11 of Chapter 5 in the Song of Songs. The head of Jesus is as precious as the finest gold. The Roman soldiers put a crown of thorns on the head of Jesus. Jesus was the royal descendant of King David. He was the King of Jews but without a golden crown and the other paraphernalia of a king. In place of the golden crown, He was given a crown of thorns. His head bled profusely. He was the only King in the history with the crown of thorns on His head. But the same Jesus after glorification wore many kingly crowns on His head (Rev.19: 12). And His head with many crowns became as precious as the finest gold. The crown of thorns has transformed His head into the finest gold.

The locks of Jesus are bushy and black as a raven. The hair on the head reveals the personality of a person. The Personality of Jesus Christ is so perfect and wonderful that even the locks of His hair are bushy and black as a raven. Jesus Christ, the Messiah is always the same, yesterday, today and forever – to the ages (Heb.13:8). Jesus looks the same today as He had lived about 2000 years ago on this earth. The locks of His hair never become gray with the passage of ages but are ever black as a raven because He is eternal.

Next....HIS EYES