As the lily grows in the valleys (in deep and difficult places), so you also grow in the valleys. (Song of Solomon 2:2). Such growth, which takes place by His grace only, may not be perceptible in the eyes of man because it is God who gives the increase. Spiritually speaking, the world in which we live is the valleys. It is the valley of sin and death, the valley of tears and sorrows, the valley of trials and temptations, the valley of persecutions, the valley of despair. So long as you live in this world, you are in the valleys rather than on hilltop. Though at times God allows you to enjoy His presence by mountain-top experiences like visions and revelations as enjoyed by the disciples of Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration, you have to inevitably pass through the valleys most of the time as you sojourn on this earth. Don’t be like Peter who said unto Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here”(Matt.17: 4). Please note this important fact. You do not merely happen to be in the valleys but you are of the valleys as “the lily of the valleys”. Yours is not always a life of ease or bliss but mostly a life of thorns like a rose of thorns or a lily among thorns.