“The watchmen that go about the city found me: to whom I said, Saw ye him whom my soul loveth?” the Shulamite asks the watchmen of the city in verse 3 of Chapter 3 in the Song of Songs.

The watchmen of the city now find the bride wandering. The so-called watchmen whom you come across may not be the watchmen of the House of God. These watchmen who want to be prominent are of the city. They watch their own sectarian churches or their own evangelical ministries without any concern for the Body of Christ, or for the masses living in the obscure villages and places which are not yet reached by the glorious gospel. The disheartened bride goes to these watchmen of the city and asks them whether they have seen her beloved. These watchmen have not known Jesus with His entire Personality. They have known only a part of His marvelous Personality. These days we find many ministers of God who know Jesus as their Saviour, Healer, or Miracle Worker etc. They hardly feel the agonies of the poor saints or the suffering children of God who are of the Body of Christ. If they do not love the members of the Body of Christ, their love towards Christ is not complete. They are hypocritical if they proclaim that they love Christ because they cannot love Christ sans His Body.

The bride of the Song asks the watchmen of the city, “Did you see Him Whom my soul loves?” The One Whom your soul loves is entirely different from the One the watchmen have seen. How true it is! The bride of the Song looks for the one who has the fragrance of all the ointments as per Ch. 1:3, and who is like a cluster of henna flowers as per Ch.1: 14.

Next...Dont Awake His love!