“I rose up to open to my beloved; and my hands dropped with myrrh, and my fingers with sweet smelling myrrh, upon the handles of the lock”; the bride continues to speak unto herself in verse 5 of Chapter 5 in the Song of Songs. The bride then rose up to open the door to her beloved. At that time, her hands dropped with myrrh, while touching the handles of the lock. The Amplied Version says that her fingers dropped with liquid (sweet smelling myrrh) “which he had left upon the handles of the bolt”. Myrrh is symbolic of Christ’s holiness. As His bride, you have to reveal His holiness through your hands. This means that the acts of your hands reveal His holiness. Your hands should not perform unholy acts. As a bride of Christ, you have to consecrate your hands for His holy ministry. Every finger of your hands must be holy. Don’t give or accept bribes. Don’t write any false account to cheat Government or your employer or any foreign missionary organization. Don’t write ill of any servant of God in any matter unless and until you hear him. Your hands should always hold the holy Bible or Christian books. Your hands should distribute Gospel tracts. Your hands should feed the poor. The fragrance of Christ’s holiness should be spread through your hands. Your fingers holding the pen should write God’s message and send it to others. Your fingers should leave the myrrh of holiness on your office file or computer. How? While writing any note or letter on official work, you have to pray and seek God’s wisdom. As a bride of Christ, when you prayerfully write an application to any earthly authority in accordance with His will, the drop of myrrh from your hands falls on that paper. Nobody on this earth can wipe out the drop of myrrh. The authorities concerned will grant your request. If there is any inordinate delay in the grant of your request by the authorities concerned, you should not bring any outside influence to bear upon them. But you should trust only our Lord, believing that the drop of myrrh left on your application would perform a miracle for you.

Christ knocking at the door of your heart leaves His myrrh on your life. This little myrrh from His hands is enough to cleanse your whole life, which was defiled by the sin. Even if you don’t open the heart to Him, the little myrrh left by Him would continue to cleanse your life and one day your whole life would be changed completely. This is the secret of the holiness of Christ Jesus.