“His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk and fitly set”, the Shulamite continues in her adoration in verse 12 of Chapter 5 in the Song of Songs. The eyes of Jesus are likened to that of doves that stay by the rivers of waters and are washed with milk. And His eyes are fitly set in the eye-sockets. The eyes of a dove reveal gentleness, innocence and harmlessness whereas the eyes of a vulture reveal violence, cunningness and cruelty. The dove becomes an easy prey to a fowler or a carnivorous bird because of its above-mentioned qualities. Jesus was gentle, innocent and harmless when He was judged and crucified by the Romans. This passage talks of the eyes of a dove, which stays by the side of a river. A dove normally resides in the roof of a building or the cleft of a rock and goes to a nearby river to drink water. But, here the divine Author talks of a dove, which lives by the side of a river, like a pelican. It is seen that this peculiar dove keeps itself pure by bathing in the fresh river water. Jesus kept Himself from the sin by staying by the side of a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High (Ps.46: 4). In other words, He was always in the presence of His Father, filled with His Spirit and power.

Dearly beloved, you should also stay by the side of this river and drink its water. The streams of this river make glad the city of God. Jesus offers you the living waters, which alone make glad the city of God. Jesus Christ is the Source of this river of living water in the city of God.