“Stay me with flagons; comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love”, the bride beseeches her beloved in verse 5 of Chapter 2 in the Song of Songs. Truly, the disheartened bride needs the comfort and love of her beloved shepherd. The bride wants to be sustained with raisins (dried grapes) and to be refreshed with apples. Raisins are very nutritious for a weak body. Spiritually speaking, the Bible, the Word of God, likened to raisins, strengthens our soul, which is weakened by the Devil.

Dear bride of Christ, you are spiritually alive today despite all your backslidings or failures because the Word of God is sustaining you. For instance, the promises of God in Psalm 91 concerning His security have saved you from the accidents, dreadful diseases and attacks of the Devil. The Devil could have annihilated you spiritually long ago had you not been sustained by the Word of God. Apart from raisins, your beloved Shepherd also refreshes you with apples, which stand for His blessings in abundance. Christ comforts you with His material blessings in this world when you are in need of them. In this world, likened to a wilderness, you find an oasis in its midst. Jesus is that Oasis Who gives raisins and apples to a weary traveler.