“Thy neck is like the tower of David builded for an armory whereon there hang a thousand bucklers, all shields of mighty men” tells the bridegroom to the bride who nurtures all kinds of fears and negative thoughts, in verse 4 of Chapter 4 in the Song of Songs. The tower of David built for an armory had a thousand bucklers of mighty men. David won many a battle against his enemies like Philistines etc., by means of this armory housed in the tower. David and his might men defended themselves against the fierce attacks of their enemies by means of these shields. Dear bride, you are not a weak person but a soldier of Christ filled with the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit. You can bring down the kingdom of the Devil with the two-edged Sword coupled with the incense of prayers. Look up to the One Who is seated on the High Throne exalted over the kingdoms of this world and the throne of the Satan. Lift up your head with your strong neck. Spondylitis is a disease affecting the neck of a person. It is a chronic disease. No permanent cure of this disease is normally possible through medical treatment. The doctors prescribe regular exercises. Today, many God’s children are suffering from the spiritual Spondylitis. In their fight against the Devil, they don’t look up the One sitting upon a throne high and lifted up (Is.6: 1). They look down the Throne of God seeking the help of men in authority or friends to overcome the hurdles placed by the Devil. Taking their eyes off the Throne of God, they look to their past failures or the present circumstances. Their neck has lost its strength. Their neck is not like the tower of David. With this neck, they cannot fight the Devil. They need regular spiritual exercises of meditating on His promises in the Word and by spending more time in personal prayers.