“Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins, which feed among the lilies,” says the bridegroom to the bride who looks down on her personality, in verse 5 of Chapter 4 in the Song of Songs. Dear bride, you being a member of the Body of Christ should offer intercessory prayers for the missionaries in distant places who fight the battles of God. Your prayers to God nourish the missionaries spiritually and they thus grow from strength to strength. By your prayers, God meets their physical needs miraculously and heals their diseases. Apart from prayers, you should also set a part of your income as free-will offering to them or the organization supporting them. Yours is the ministry “to the saints” and you have to sacrificially give beyond your power and even out of your “deep poverty” (II Cor.8: 2-4). Such members of the Body of Christ are like the two breasts of a woman who feeds her children. These two breasts are compared to two young roes that are twins. People performing the ministry of this kind should be very active like the two young roes. A pair of young roes is seen playing, running and dancing together. You can see oneness and unity in their actions. In appearance, they look alike, as they are twins. People performing this wonderful ministry in many ways should be of the same mind of Christ. Today, in our midst, there are a large number of people interceding for and supporting their favorite groups of missionaries or their favorite missionary organizations. For example, a prayer group of “X” organization intercedes only for their missionaries and does not intercede for the missionaries of other organizations. If the prayer group of “X” organization has to spend 3 hours of prayer, they should also pray for the missionaries of other organizations/ministries at least for half an hour. Though one group is really different and separate from another group, yet both of them should appear to be homogeneous like the twins. The same principle should be applied to the church groups of different denominations.

We see the twins feed among the lilies. The lilies signify great purity or whiteness. Persons doing this wonderful ministry should feed on the holiness of God. They should be holy as God is holy. They should live a holy life, and also in a holy environment. They should always withdraw themselves into the wilderness to be alone with Christ Jesus.