“In the night I dreamed that I sought for the one whom I love. She said, I looked for him but could not find him”, says the bride, in verse 1 of Chapter 3 in the Song of Songs, who still feels the absence of her shepherd despite her entreaties to him in the preceding verse of chapter 2.At times, in spite of your craving of His presence, He still hides Himself, and the dreaded night ultimately overshadows you. It looks as if He has disappointed you by allowing the shadows of darkness over your life. He tarries. You become desperate in the night, with fear and unfaith blinding your spiritual eyes as the Devil of the night whispers into your ears, “Jesus does not love you now. He has failed to keep His promises and you have waited for a long time”. The disheartened bride of the Song of Songs finds herself in a dream world. In the night dream, she seeks for the one whom she loves. Though she looks for him, yet she cannot find him. What a pity! She is disappointed even in the dream.

Some children of God nowadays claim to have seen Christ in dreams and visions. Such supernatural experiences might have strengthened their faith but not all the children of God have had such an experience. No doubt, some disheartened people like the bride of Song of Songs may yearn after such dreams and visions. Having lost their faith in his Word, they are driven to despair, seeking desperately such supernatural experiences with God. Alas! They have not experienced such divine encounters despite their seeking them.

Dear bride of Christ, even if you have not experienced any such dream or vision, don’t say, “I could not find Him”. Here what matters is your love for the One Who had redeemed you by His precious Blood, and not your desire to have His vision. No doubt, Christ Jesus loves you.

Your vision will be fulfilled in God's time even if you don't get a confirmation in a dream. Wait for it patiently. "For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry". (Hab.2:3)