“Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines; for our vines have tender grapes”, pleads the bridegroom, in verse 15 of Chapter 2 in the Song of Songs, with his bride to take the little foxes that spoil the vines of love in their lives, for the vines have tender grapes. The grapes are not ripe but tender. The love of Jesus is perfect but your love for Him is still imperfect. Your love being imperfect, the grapes are tender, and not ripe.The little things in your life – the things that you think to be trivial – in fact corrode the very foundation of your spiritual life, and thus spoil the vines, which have tender grapes. It may be your failure in calling on a person in distress personally. It may be your lack of concern or love for a beggar asking for alms. It may be your lack of concern for a poorly clad stranger who visits your church. It may be your telling a “little lie” or distorting somebody’s version. It may be a little hatred in your heart against somebody. It may be a little pride or a little impatience on your part. It is for you to examine the little things in your life and remove them with the help of the Holy Ghost, the Helper. It is the cleft-like wounds of Jesus that give us eternal refuge. We would be spiritually safe so long as we identify ourselves with the crucified Christ.

Next.... MINE! HIS!