“There are threescore queens, and fourscore concubines, and virgins without number. My dove, my undefiled is but one; she is the only one of her mother; she is the choice one of her that bare her. The daughters saw her, and blessed her; yea, the queens and the concubines, and they praised her”, continues the king in his further adoration of his beloved bride in verses 8 and 9 of Chapter 6 in the Song of Songs. Though King Solomon had 60 queens, 80 concubines and numberless virgins, he poured out his love more on the Shulamite. Dear bride of Christ, you are surrounded by many children of God who claim to be very close to Jesus or to have received great blessings from Him. May be, they are like the threescore queens who are materially prosperous in this world. They live like queens. God has blessed His children in many countries like USA, UK, Australia, etc., with such material and mundane things which you may lack in. There are also many servants of God like the “threescore queens” whom God has placed in His Kingdom, adorned with many gifts.

There are also many servants of God like the “fourscore concubines” who also love this world. These people, though living in His Kingdom, remain unmarried to Christ unlike the queens because they have set their heart on the things of the world. There are also many without number who claim to be very holy and without spot like the virgins without number. Concubines numbering 80 outnumber queens. Concubines are short of 20 numbers to reach the 100-mark level whereas queens are short of 40 numbers to reach the 100-mark level. This shows that the concubines are more in number than the queens. These days, we find that a majority of the servants of God are attached to this world setting their heart on fame, wealth, etc. Apart from these queens and concubines, there are countless virgins in the Kingdom of God who are known for their holiness. But they do not serve the King of Kings as the queens do. The virgins without number are merely known as “believers” not exposed to the direct warfare against the Satan. They remain holy because they have not faced the tempter; they remain spotless because they have not toiled in their Master’s vineyard.

Though Solomon loved the queens, concubines and virgins in his kingdom, he loved the Shulamite all the more. Dear reader, Jesus loves you more than all the people of His Kingdom. You are His best choice. You stand alone above them all. He prefers you to all those likened to the three categories of people. This is the secret of the Song of Songs. You are the only one of your mother and the choice one of her who bore you. The Holy Spirit in union with the Church, the Body of Christ, has begotten many spiritual children of God. But to Christ Jesus, you alone look like the only one begotten of Him and His choice one.

The children of God around you including the queens and concubines wonder at His unique love towards you and call you blessed and praise you. They marvel at your peculiar personality, which attracts the special love of Christ.