“Solomon had a vineyard at Baal-hamon, he let out the vineyard unto keepers: every one for the fruit thereof was to bring a thousand pieces of silver”, tells the Shulamite about the vineyard of her beloved shepherd in verse 11 of Chapter 8 in the Song of Songs. Christ Jesus planted a vineyard at Calvary for the salvation of lost souls and, after ascension into the Heaven on resurrection, has let out this very vineyard to the keepers like you. Every one who has become a child of God through Christ Jesus is a keeper of this vineyard. You are a keeper of this vineyard. For enjoying the fruit of this vineyard, you have to pay a price or a rent to the Owner of the Vineyard. As a child of God, you now enjoy the fruit of salvation in this vineyard. The fruit of salvation includes peace with God through forgiveness of sins, peace of God, divine protection from diverse diseases and accidents, material blessings. In return for this fruit, you have to bring a thousand pieces of silver to your Master. Christ Jesus gives us free salvation through His Blood. But the benefit of salvation which you enjoy daily is not enjoyed by the thousands of lost souls in your nation. To enjoy the fruit of salvation, you have to pay a heavy price. Though salvation is free, yet the fruit thereof is too costlier that you have to bring a thousand pieces of silver.

In Bible terminology, “thousand” means a maximum quantity. “Pieces of silver” means material wealth or money. Under the Old Testament, the people of Israel were required to pay tithes to God, which was limited to one tenth of their income. But under the New Testament, the chosen people of God have to pay “a thousand pieces of silver” and that too cheerfully for God loves a cheerful giver. What we notice today is that we spend lavishly for our own comfort and luxuries and pay a little which is not even one tenth of our income to God’s work.