“My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were moved for him”, the bride further adds in verse 4 of Chapter 5 in the Song of Songs. Now the beloved shepherd of the Song puts his hand by the hole of the door, and the heart of the bride is moved for him. As soon as he touches the hole of the door, the heart of the bride is moved for him. Though she tarries to open the door, her heart starts beating in anxiety the moment her beloved touches the door. Similarly, your heart would also be moved for Christ when He touches the door of your heart, though you may be reluctant to open the door of your heart on His knock. If your heart becomes insensitive to His voice, even then there is a small “hole” in the door of your hardened heart through which Christ can sensitize your whole heart. The hole means a personal communication line from Christ to you. On your reluctance to open the door of your hardened heart, Christ will never forsake you but will tarry and touch the hole of the door of your heart. Oh, what an incomprehensible love He has!