“Come with me from Lebanon, my spouse, with me from Lebanon: look from the top of Amana, from the top of Shenir and Hermon, from the lions’ dens, from the mountains of the leopards” the bridegroom beseeches the frightened bride in verse 8 of Chapter 4 in the Song of Songs. The Amplified Version of the Bible says, “Depart from the top of Amana…” whereas the other Versions say, “Look from the top of Amana….” It will be more appropriate to use the Amplified Version for this verse.Lebanon is, spiritually speaking, figurative of a place where we grow from strength to strength in our spiritual life and where we find the glory of God. Right from the time of accepting Jesus as your personal Saviour and Lord, you find yourself in Lebanon enjoying His presence and feeding on His Word. In the company of God’s people, you spend most of the time in prayer and worship and hear messages on God’s Word from many servants of God. The Word of God comforts and edifies you. You grow in your spiritual life nourished by His Word. Now the divine Shepherd exhorts you to come away with Him from this place. He repeatedly bids you to come with Him from Lebanon. From Lebanon, He wants to take you to His gardens or vineyards. As His co-worker, you are supposed to labor with Him in His garden (I Cor.3: 9). The Church history tells us how many foreign missionaries like William Carrey, Mother Teresa, etc., left their homelands and worked as labourers with God in His vineyards like India. You should not be complacent with your spiritual experiences in Lebanon like baptism in the Holy Ghost etc. You should go with the divine Shepherd to His garden. Dear bride, God has a particular plan for you to labour with Him in His garden. Your spiritual growth in Lebanon will be in vain if you don’t heed to His clarion call today. Your worship will be in vain if you don’t perform the work assigned to you in His garden.