“Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet, and thy speech is comely; thy temples are like a piece of a pomegranate within thy locks”, says the bridegroom unto the bride in verse 3 of Chapter 4 in the Song of Songs. The lips of the bride should be holy and should not be unclean (Is.6: 5). Through the lips, we at times speak of unholy things, indulge in idle talk or foolish talking or jesting; we boast of great things (James 3:5). Dear bride, your lips need to be sacrificed at the altar of Calvary daily. At the time of self-examination during your night prayer time, you should remember the words spoken by your lips and confess to the sin of speaking unclean things during the day.

Your lips should look like a thread of scarlet in the sight of Christ Jesus. Holiness has to be applied on your lips. Blood of Jesus has to be sprinkled on your lips daily. Your lips must reveal knowledge and wisdom. Bible warns us against the use of tongue in James 3:5-12. It is a fire, a world of iniquity, defiling the whole body and setting on fire the course of nature. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison and no man can tame it. Through the lips, we bless God and curse men who are made in the image of God. Don’t curse any man, even your enemy but bless him in Jesus’ Name. Not only that your lips should be holy but also that your speech should be comely. Your voice must be gentle and sweet. Don’t shout at the top of your voice, while scolding your sub-ordinates or your children or your students. Read the whole book of the Song and you can hear the comely voice of your Bridegroom. He never condemns you in any manner. He calls you in a sweet voice, “My love, my fair one, my love…

”Next......HER TEMPLES