In the preceding 5th Chapter of the Song of Songs, the Shulamite adored the wonderful personality of her beloved to the daughters of Jerusalem. On hearing her, the daughters of Jerusalem grew eager to see her beloved shepherd and asked her in verse 1 of Chapter 6 in the Song of Songs, “Whither is thy beloved gone, O thou fairest among women? Whither is thy beloved turned aside? That we may seek him with thee?”

Dear bride, as you praise and adore the wonderful Person of Jesus in His fullness, the children of God around you who have only a partial knowledge of Him may like to seek Him with you. Some of them have known Him only as the Saviour of their souls, while others have known Him only as the Healer or Miracle Worker. But, to the bride of the Song, Jesus is her everything. She breathes in Him. She lives in Him and for Him. She knows Him in His fullness. These days, in our churches, we find many persons who are content with their being called as believers by their pastors. They don’t want to be called as disciples of the Lord. They don’t involve themselves fully in evangelistic out-reach. They don’t know what type of ministry the Lord wants them to do. Their first priority in life is the material prosperity through the Lord and not the Lord Himself. On hearing your testimony, these children of God would desire to follow the Lord along with you. They would be revived in their spirit and would know the Lord fully.