“Thy lips, O my spouse, drop as the honeycomb: honey and milk are under thy tongue; and the smell of thy garments is like the smell of Lebanon” the bridegroom continues to admire the personality of his bride in verse 11 of Chapter 4 in the Song of Songs.Dear bride, your lips compared to the honeycomb is supposed to drop sweet words showing love and concern for the people around you. The words proceeding from your lips must be expressed in a gentle and serene manner. Don’t speak words of condemnation or words of malice. When somebody is in distress, you should express words of your concern for that person. These days, many God’s people through their lips threaten those opposed to them with dire consequences; speak unclean words during conversations; speak ill of others; curse others including even their children or spouses.From the honeycomb, we extract sweet honey only and not any bitter drink. Honey and milk must be under your tongue. Honey is symbolic of God’s word (Ps 19:10). God’s word should be under your tongue so that as and when you talk to others, you can quote it during conversation. Nowadays, the people of God converse like other worldly people quoting little from the word of God. The doctrines of the Bible should be under your tongue. False prophets and teachers are adulterating the word of God. Certain cults like Jehovah Witnesses have adulterated the Bible by substituting certain original words with their own words. You should have a sound knowledge of the Word “rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim 2: 15). You should raise your voice like a trumpet when a false doctrine is propagated and when the sin is overlooked or justified by preachers from the pulpit. Don’t be of the silent laity listening to the false doctrines being preached from the pulpit. Milk is a stable food required by growing children. (I Peter 2:2). The Church has given birth to many spiritual children. It is your duty to feed them with the spiritual milk of the Word.

Both honey and milk point to the Word of God. Honey symbolizes the sound doctrines of the Word which expose the false doctrines whereas milk symbolizes the elementary doctrines of the Word. (I Cor 3:2).