“I have put off my coat; how shall I put it on? I have washed my feet; how shall I defile them?” tells the bride unto herself in verse 3 of Chapter 5 in the Song of Songs. The bride of the Song has withdrawn herself into the bedroom to take rest. And she has removed her coat, washed her feet and relaxes on her bed. On hearing the voice of her beloved, she does not want to take the trouble of putting on her coat again and of walking over to the door to let him in. Similarly, when you hear the knock of Jesus Christ at the door of your heart calling you to open it, you may not promptly respond to His call but may procrastinate on the pretext of fatigue. Christ, driven by His thirst of communing with you, had knocked at the door of your heart, when you were at rest especially during the nighttime. But you did not bother to respond to His call with the result that you had to lose His fellowship and the attendant blessings. When the Holy Spirit impressed on your mind to intercede for the Body of Christ or for the perishing world, you spurned His promptings due to lethargy and laziness in the same manner as was exhibited by the bride of the Song. Many souls or manifold blessings or many battles were lost. The divine Author, instead of scolding the bride of the Song by expressing words like laziness, has chosen to describe gently the scene in many words stating that she did not want to put on her coat and to soil her feet. Christ, impelled by His eternal love, never condemns His chosen people for their lapses.