“Thine head upon thee is like Carmel, and the hair of thine head like purple; and the king is held in the galleries”, continue the daughters of Jerusalem in verse 5 of Chapter 7 in the Song of Songs. Mount Carmel is known for the prophetic ministry, especially of Elijah and as a place where Elijah gathered all Israel and the false prophets for a mighty manifestation of God’s power.

Your head crowns you like Mount Carmel. The head of a God’s child is so precious that the Holy Spirit communes with him through his brain so long as he lives in his earthly tent. God’s power touches a person through his head. As a child of God, God’s anointing rests on your head and your head in turn crowns you. The Devil tries to attack your brain with all his power available through his channels in the world like pop and cinema music, Television, etc. If the Devil has defeated you, your head would no longer crown you. God gives you His Wisdom or His Word. The cunning Devil takes away the words of God or the wisdom stored in your brain cells as you listen to his pop-music etc. or hear his messages. “What communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you….” (II Cor.6: 15 to 17). On Mount Carmel, Elijah defeated the prophets of Baal and manifested God’s power. Today, God’s people are powerless because the Devil has stolen God’s wisdom from their heads by constantly injecting his false doctrines and messages. As you minister, God’s power descends on your head and is manifested through you to the outside world like the Elijah’s ministry on Mount Carmel. Dear child of God, you must preserve and save your head from the onslaughts of the world and of the devil.

Secondly, the hair of your head is like purple. Purple shows your sacrifice for the Body of Christ, the Church. Mary Magdalene washed the feet of Jesus with tears and wiped them with the hair of her head (Luke 7:44). “She loved much”, Jesus testified about her. Mary Magdalene sacrificed the best of her for the Body of Jesus. Her black hair was like purple in the sight of Jesus. The hair of a woman is her glory. Similarly, you have to offer the best of your earthly possessions to the Body of Christ, the Church in a sacrificial manner. The thing, which you endear, the thing that you consider as precious as your hair or the thing that is the costliest in your life is likened to the hair of your head. You are so possessive about this thing that this has covered your life as the hair covers the head. As you sacrifice this particular thing at the altar of Calvary, it becomes purple in the sight of Christ. Whenever you call upon Jesus, He remembers your sacrifice for His Body, the Church. The ministers of God to whom you sacrificially minister with your material possessions would testify, “the hair of your head is like purple”.

Seeing the king Solomon watches the shepherd girl in absorbed admiration, the daughters of Jerusalem comment on her beauty and add, “The king is held in the galleries”.

Jesus, the beloved Bridegroom, is being enticed towards your spiritual beauty as depicted in the above verses and is held captive by its tresses. As the people of God around you testify to your spiritual beauty, the King of Kings is raptured and held captive. The Tamil Version of the Bible says that He stands in the galleries in a state of unconsciousness.