How true is the statement of the bride in verse 3 of chapter 2 in the Song of Songs – “I sat down under His shadow with great delight and His fruit was sweet to my taste”? It is His shadow that is the shadow under the Apple Tree, which shelters and refreshes a weary traveler. A fruitless tree of the wood cannot offer fruits to the weary traveler who takes shelter under its shadow. Apple fruit means the true blessings emanating from Christ Jesus, the Source of Life. These blessings do not only concern your body but also your soul. One needs not only bodily healing but also spiritual healing of the soul, which means salvation. They are distinct from the so-called blessings emanating from the Devil, the god of this world who may give only bodily healing and material prosperity. If any person claims to possess powers of healing or powers of miracles on his own, he does not derive such powers from Christ Jesus but from the Devil.His fruit is really sweet to your taste. His fruit caters to your peculiar taste as He is very much concerned about you in a personal manner and is quite conscious of the environment in which you live or of the special circumstances under which you live. And His fruit caters to your particular spiritual or physical need, which is not understood by others. Are you looking for His fruit to your taste? If so, you must needs to go to the Apple Tree so as to hear yourself His voice from the Word or receive His blessings peculiar to your need, which no human being understands.

Next..... HIS BANNER