“Behold, thou art fair, my love, behold, thou art fair: thou hast doves’ eyes”, the king now comforts in verse 15 of Chapter 1 of the Song of Songs, his bride who has looked down upon her in contempt saying “I am black” in verse 5. Throughout this entire love-letter of the divine Shepherd, the words “Thou art fair” are written many a time. Though we are actually not fair in our own sight, we are fair in the sight of Jesus. This is the testimony of Jesus about you.

Jesus holds His own mirror before us so that we may see our image on His mirror. His mirror is entirely different from your own mirror and others’ mirror as well. God always sees us in Christ Jesus. His mirror does not reflect our past sins or our infirmities. Holding His mirror before you, Jesus whispers into your ears, “Thou art fair, my love”. Here, the sublime love of Jesus covers the multitude of your sins and iniquities. A dove is so gentle that it does not hit back and is so innocent as to fall a prey to an eagle or fall into the snare of a fowler. The Bridegroom adores here that His bride has doves’ eyes. The eyes of a dove speak of innocence and gentleness. Does Jesus testify to your innocence and gentleness as that of a dove?