“He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love” says the bride in verse 4 of Chapter 2 in the Song of Songs, regarding the sublime, eternal love of her beloved.

As the father in the parable of the prodigal son brought his younger son straightaway to the banqueting house where the elder son “heard music and dancing” (Lk 15:25), so our loving Father brings us to the banqueting house, our past sins or failures notwithstanding. What blinds His holy eye to our wretchedness and unworthiness so that we are taken into the banqueting house rather than into the prison of quarantine is His persevering, eternal love, which is like a banner over us.

His banner of love insulates you from the temptations of the world and of the devil. We are known to the world by this banner only. This banner signifies that we are made righteous by the Blood of Christ alone. Except the banner of His love over us, we do not have any other banner over us. But the worldly people prefer to be known by the banners of race, religion, language, status, wealth etc.