Welcome to San Miguel de Allende SciTechNature
Zoom & In-person Get-Togethers

08/31/21 - Gaia Hypothesis - Rain in Greenland - Leaded is eradicated - When you're a Stranger - Losing your time bias - The Great Unconformity - 'Bout them Black Holes - Doggerland Ice Ages and more!

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Greetings fellow awe seekers, we're back at the Hotel Quinta Loreto community center for SciTechNature in-person AND we're still doing Zoom! (11:30am SMA time)

  • Important: You MUST be vaccinated to attend.

  • If you are not feeling well, Zoom instead.

A Zoom link access will be sent to your email on Tuesday mornings at around 9:00am - Click the link when it's Tuesday at 11:30am (Central Daylight Time), 12:30pm EST

passcode (if required): 652662

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82668788731?pwd=bVcvRnJQSGpJcHIveEl3STJQZFZpUT09

Never joined a Zoom meeting before? It's simple, it's easy, it's free. Click here to learn how.

Links for this week:

4 mins - What Is The Gaia Hypothesis? | Gaia Theory Explained - YouTube


Larry Dworsky's latest Covid statistics:


Terra's presentations:

1) "Lost vision partially restores by optogenetics"

(Nature Medicine,

2) "Dangerous sun activity could hamper return to the moon"

(Solar Physics, doi.org/gdbv)

3) "Greenland ice sheet is releasing mercury"

(Nature Geoscience,

4) "The biggest drawing ever made may be a spiral found in India"

(Archeological Research in Asia, doi.org/giztrs)

5) "Tiny self-propelled submarines could help clean up waste"


6) "Bacteria from yogurt speed bone healing"

(Science Advances,)

7) "Fresh Lithium"

New Scientist 23 January 2021 issue


Rain in Greenland:

****Terra's presentation concluded****

9 mins - What if Every Second Lasted an Hour? - The Slow Mo Guys - YouTube


UN Declares Milestone Victory as Leaded Petrol Is Officially Eradicated


Not All Cultures Are Equally Mindful of Strangers – Here's How Your Country Ranks


STN member Hameed Faridani - A 200-year-old geology mystery may be solved - Big Think


One of The Supercontinents Is Different from the Others (It’s Rodinia) | Carnegie Institution for Science


Great Unconformity - Wikipedia

Is the Mystery of Earth's 1.2 Billion Missing Years Solved? | SciShow News - YouTube


11 mins - How Volcanoes Froze the Earth (Twice) - YouTube


Request by STN member Hameed Faridani, "Could you please give us a refresher on your views about black holes and plasma?"
"Why Black Holes do NOT Exist"

2m mins - "M87 is a Plasmoid - NOT a Black Hole"

30 mins - Doggerland, The Lost World Of Europe Destroyed By Disasters. - YouTube


Astronomer Bernie Reim gives us his monthly heads-up on in August. Go to this delicious mind-candy here on our site.

Links from last Session


SMA Science Book Club



The SciTechNature get-together is also on Facebook.


SMA Lifelong learning program



...Because the acquisition of clean water in our town is not only a science, but a necessity, especially in the San Miguel de Allende area:

Caminos de Agua



SMA Rotary Club rests upon a foundation of compassion and science, so it too gets a heads up from SciTechNature.



Stephen Goodfellow