09-06-17 Food Evolution Part II


This week, Rob Lerner will lead-off by continuing the discussion from last week’s film, Food Evolution. The following article (sniped from the pages of Scientific American) is highly relevant. Also, this link on the global potential of Organic Farming from the WorldWatch Institute:


The main event this week is a mystery topic to be introduced by David McClintock.

The fallback topic is Breaking News, featuring stunning and disturbing advances in the technology of audio/video production.

First, a podcast: http://www.radiolab.org/story/breaking-news/.

Followed by a video: http://futureoffakenews.com/

Both are quite chilling in their implications.


This Wednesday, September 6th, 2017 @ 11:00am to 1:00pm Community ​​Room,​​ Puente Vie​​jo on Calzada de la Aurora #52

​Puente Viejo is a gated community, but the guard typically lets you walk or drive through. If not, sign in.

Any problem, have them call David McClintock - 415-112-5202 Last week's news links:





The SciTechNature get-together is also on Facebook.


Stephen Goodfellow