Welcome to San Miguel de Allende SciTechNature
Zoom & In-person Get-Togethers

08/03/21 Liquid Sheep - Helpful Parrots - Cowardly Termites - Modified moths - Extinct date palms live again - Spiders, Female bondage - Guts for long life - Rocks & Polar Bears - Big Comet approaching - News from Doggerland - Everything Moves - Neutrinos (Part 1) - Comprehending the Coronal Heating Problem - Metallic water - Simplified: Gravity, Uncertainty, Entanglement & Quantum Mechanics -and more!

Greetings fellow awe seekers,

We're back at the Hotel Quinta Loreto community center for SciTechNature in-person AND we're still doing Zoom! (11:30am SMA time)

  • Important: You MUST be vaccinated to attend.

  • If you are not feeling well, Zoom instead.

A Zoom link access will be sent to your email on Tuesday mornings at around 9:00am - Click the link when it's Tuesday at 11:30am (Central Daylight Time), 12:30pm EST

passcode (if required): 652662

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82668788731?pwd=bVcvRnJQSGpJcHIveEl3STJQZFZpUT09

Never joined a Zoom meeting before? It's simple, it's easy, it's free. Click here to learn how.

Links for this week:

Time-lapse drone footage turns sheep into moving work of art - YouTube


Larry Dworsky's' latest Covid statistics:


Terra's presentation:

*1 Parrot joins tiny club of Speceis That Are Helpful

(Current Biology doi.org/dh4m)

*2 Termites use cowardice to sidestep their hosts' anger

(Ecology and Evolution, doi.org/d5hc)

*3 A tablet that could replace injections

(New Scientist, 8 Feb 2020)

*4 Modified moths head into the field

(Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, doi.org/dkvp)

*5 Extinct date palms sprout again thanks to ancient seeds

(Science Advances, doi.org/dk8b)

*6 Some male spiders tie up females to avoid being eaten(!!!)

(Animal Behavior, doi.org/fhw2)


People who live to 100 have unique gut bacteria signatures | Live Science


The Little Known Cells That Are As Important As Neurons For Cognition


Polar bears sometimes bludgeon walruses to death with stones or ice | Science News


A Hoist to the Heavens - IEEE Spectrum


Greece’s Santorini volcano erupts more often when sea level drops | Science News


16 mins - Links to the Younger Dryas - The Huge Mystery Of The Carolina Bays - YouTube


Doggerland: Lost ‘Atlantis’ of the North Sea gives up its ancient secrets | Neanderthals | The Guardian


12 mins - STN member Roger Lamont - Woah! Giant Comet/Minor Planet Is Approaching From Oort Cloud - YouTube


How Fast Are You Moving When You Are Sitting Still?


5 mins - Even Bananas: Neutrino - The Mystery Particle - YouTube


Magnitude of the Solar Coronal Heating Problem made Comprehensible


Department of Energy announces $9.35 million for research on high energy density plasmas


Metallic Water Has Been Created For The Very First Time


8 mins - STN member Roger Lamont - The REAL source of Gravity might SURPRISE you... - YouTube


5 mins - STN member Roger Lamont - What is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle? - Chad Orzel - YouTube


6 mins - STN Member Roger Lamont - Entanglement Theory may Reveal a Reality we can't Handle - YouTube


10 mins - STN member Roger Lamont - Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains The Weirdness of Quantum Physics - YouTube


The Amazon rainforest now emits more carbon than it absorbs - BBC Science Focus Magazine


Home | Drought.gov


The Earth Is Dying, Says A New Scientific Report


These Are The Countries That Are Most Likely To Survive A Global Civilization Collapse


A New Doomsday Vault Is Under Progress To Save Music From The Apocalypse


Astronomer Bernie Reim gives us his monthly heads-up on in August. Go to this delicious mind-candy here on our site.

Links from last Session


SMA Science Book Club



The SciTechNature get-together is also on Facebook.


SMA Lifelong learning program



...Because the acquisition of clean water in our town is not only a science, but a necessity, especially in the San Miguel de Allende area:

Caminos de Agua



SMA Rotary Club rests upon a foundation of compassion and science, so it too gets a heads up from SciTechNature.



Stephen Goodfellow