03-01-17 - San Miguel Water Woes

News of the Week & Robert Learner's "San Miguel Water Woes"

​Robert Learner's "San Miguel's Water Woes"

We’re depleting our regional aquifer at a worrisome rate, and the water that remains has high levels of mineral contaminants.

Worse yet, underprivileged communities in our region are most at risk and least able to deal with this mounting crisis.

Here’s what you need to know about the water you drink, and what can be done for those most in need.



Biochar is a sustainability strategy for food, climate and environmental management.

Made from waste biomass, with bioenergy as a co-product, biochar soil amendment boosts fertility while sequestering carbon; and like activated carbon, can also be used as filtration media. Biochar is based on agricultural practices of ancient Amazonia and supported by solid science; practiced globally on a massive scale, it could help ease civilization’s path to sustainability.

The Science, Technology and Nature get-together,

This Wednesday, ​​March 1st @ 11:00am to 1:00pm Community room,

Puente Viejo on Calzada de la Aurora #52

​Puente Viejo is a gated community, but the guard typically lets you walk or drive through​

if you mention the community center)​ If not, sign in.

​Problem​?​ ​H​ave them call David McClintock - 415-112-5202

SMA SciTechNature ​is ​also on Facebook

L​inks to news of ​last week:

Gene editing patent ruling sways fortune of biotech hopefuls - The Washington Post

UC Berkeley suffers big loss in CRISPR patent fight: What's next? - YouTube

BBC - Earth - The strange link between the human mind and quantum physics

Geologists spy an eighth continent: Zealandia : Nature News & Comment

Life forms that could be 50,000 years old found in caves in Mexico | World news | The Guardian

Mexico City, Parched and Sinking, Faces a Water Crisis - The New York Times

LIVE : SpaceX CRS-10 Falcon 9 Rocket Launch - Awaiting Post Launch Briefing - YouTube

SpaceX Historic Falcon 9 Launch from Historic NASA 39a pad [REPLAY] - YouTube

​From Robert learner's presentation:

How to use the Podcasts App on the iPad

How to Listen to Podcasts on Android