Request for Advice from SciTechNature members Keith and Karen

From: keith & karen <>

Date: Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 5:22 PM

Subject: Moving to SMA

Hola, Stephen,

After our fantastic month in SMA, we’ve decided to sell out here in Oregon and relocate permanently.

Part of the reason is that is was so easy to connect with the expat community and that everyone we met was very welcoming and friendly.

We’ve applied for permanent resident visas, and our house is going on the market shortly.

We’ll be coming back on October 18 and have rented an apartment for three months to give some time for house-hunting.

I don’t know if we’ll be able to finalize this ahead of our move, but we’re thinking about options for healthcare.

Neither of us currently have plans the will cover us in Mexico. I was wondering if you might share with us your insurance - carrier and what type of coverage you have.

If there is anyone else in the Science/Tech group that might be willing to give us their insight as well, we’d appreciate you forwarding this email on to them.

We look forward to seeing you and the group again!


Keith & Karen

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