12-20-18 Antibiotic Resistance


Welcome to SciTechNature get-togethers

This week's Presentations:

Rob Lerner “Antibiotic Resistance" | Roger Lamont: "Göbekli Tepe"

Please note the new Weekday and Location:

Tuesdays, 11am to 1PM

Click text below for map of new location:

Quinta Loreto Hotel, Cjon. de Loreto 15, Centro, Zona Centro, 37700 San Miguel de Allende, Gto.

From Cjon. de Loreto, enter the Mercado de Artisanias alley (East, going up-hill) about twenty yards and turn to your left into the Hotel Quinta Loreto compound.

The community center is on the Southeast side of the little central park. If you are coming by car, there is a parking lot within the compound.

(The community center is in the same location as the Philosophical get-together which is held on Fridays.)

Downside: We have to pay rent. 50 pesos donation request.

The upside to all this? There will be coffee & cookies


SciTechNature - Tuesday, February 20th, 2018 11:00am to 1:00pm Location: Quinta Loreto Hotel, community ​​Room, Cjon. de Loreto 15, Centro, Zona Centro, 37700 San Miguel de Allende, Gto.


Introductions/News********SMA Science Book Club Update



Rob Lerner “Antibiotic Resistance" & Roger Lamont: "Göbekli Tepe"


Rob Lerner's Last Week's links:

Trump rescinds planned 29% budget cut at NSF

True Story Behind Typhoid Mary

The Famine Ended 70 Years Ago, but Dutch Genes Still Bear Scars

You Are Shaped by the Genes You Inherit. And Maybe by Those You Don’t.

The Human Operating System Gets an Overhaul

Q&A: George Church and company on genomic sequencing, blockchain, and better drugs

Cancer ‘vaccine’ eliminates all traces of cancer in mice

Black Hole Apocalypse' Premieres on PBS

(feature-length documentary, highly recommend)


Another SMA Science Group

i³: Ideas that Inform and Inspire - Join mailing list ********

The SMA Rotary Club rests upon a foundation of compassion and science, so it too gets a heads up from SciTechNature.********

Bill Wilkinson writes:

The symposium “Gold Stars for Schools in the Campo” will be held Monday, February 26, at 5PM in the Rosewood Ballroom. The event features experienced Mexican educators telling their stories of success in the campo schools. Following the teachers’ panel, discussions in smaller groups on related issues will provide an opportunity for the audience to participate. This cross cultural event is free and open to the public. Panelists will present in Spanish with simultaneous translation.

The event should be very informative and highlight programs that are working in the campo. The discussions following the panel will be greatly enhanced if we have an informed audience that works on educational issues. Please reach out to your members and friends and invite their attendance.

Thanks and see you at the event.



The SciTechNature get-together is also on Facebook.


Stephen Goodfellow