San Miguel de Allende SciTechNature Zoom
Tuesday, 03/26/24, 11:30am CST time

Reminder - First Thursday STN get-together, Noon at the Geek

A Zoom link access will be sent (if you are on the email list) to your email on Tuesday mornings at around 9:00am - Click the link when it's Tuesday at 11:30am  (San Miguel de Allende Time), 12:30pm on EST time.
Passcode (if required): 652662
Zoom link:

This Tuesday (03/26/24) -  Topics sensationalized!:
Rockslide - SciTechNature time slide - Bernie's Astronomy for April - Larry's Notes - Ecology Productions - Predicted Nove explosion - 'Hot Tub Lung' - Loneliness beats all bad habits - prosopometamorphopsia - Viagra Cuts Alzheimer's Risk by Over 50% - Molecular Rosetta Stone -  Coffee Could Keep Your Muscles Young - Exercise Pill beats workout - Food production breakthrough - Humans transmit more viruses to animals than vice versa - Dogs know words for their favorite toys - How Animals and Nature React to an Eclipse - Gemini tutorial - 16 Million Years Old Giant Dolphin - Neuralink full send... Elon's brain chips actually works - Nvidia Copy Of The Earth - How much energy AI really needs - 3000 Year Old Magnetic Anomaly - India Tests Its Launch Vehicle - Photograph[ng a Solar Eclipse - Dr.Who metamorphoses - Zircons Reveal Billion-Year Geological Mysteries - Life on Venus? - Self-Powered Sensor Ambient Magnetic Energy - Galactic black hole is weird - What's JWST looking at right now? Watch - ethinking electricity grids - Never Seen A Wheelchair Like This - Big Bang Didn't Happened, What Did? - Earth Should Not Exist - Major Mystery Solved - Humanity 1 Million Years Ago - Jupiter Enigma.

If you've been awe-struck and feel generous, here's my $$$ PayPal $$$

Bernie's Astronomy for April 2024

Bernie Apr 2024 wuapr24.docx

13 mins - Susan L Neubeck 

Larry's Notes for March 26th 2024

Stuff for March 26.pdf

STN member Hameed Faridani 

STN member Hugh Hutner

Bernie Reim's Astro news,  WHAT’S UP IN APRIL


From last Session


SciTechNature T-Shirts 'n stuff


SMA Rotary Club rests upon a foundation of compassion and science, so it too gets a heads up from SciTechNature.


Caminos de Agua
...Because in semi-arid San Miguel de Allende water is REALLY important



Stephen Goodfellow