
This Wednesday:

Presentation by Michael Latriano:


There exist no scientific theories explaining how consciousness is generated by material processes, nor does anybody have even a remote idea how something like that could possibly happen. The gap between consciousness and matter is so formidable that it is impossible to imagine how it could be bridged. In spite of the lack of convincing evidence that consciousness is an epiphenomenon of the brain or matter, this basic metaphysical assumption remains one of the leading myths of Western materialistic science. While there exists no scientific proof for the fact that the brain generates consciousness, there are numerous observations indicating that consciousness can under certain circumstances function independently of the brain and of the world of matter. This is referred to as non-local consciousness.

Michael Latriano is an artist, musician, aspiring theoretical physicist, and former consultant to Bell Laboratories.

Backup alternative: "The Carrington Event and its Implications"

This Wednesday, August 16th, 2017 @ 11:00am to 1:00pm Community ​​Room,​​ Puente Vie​​jo on Calzada de la Aurora #52

​Puente Viejo is a gated community, but the guard typically lets you walk or drive through. If not, sign in.

Any problem, have them call David McClintock - 415-112-5202 The SciTechNature get-together is also on Facebook.

Links from last Week:

Indonesian Pyramid Is 20,000 Years Old Claims Geologist, Discovery May Rewrite History - Archaeology HubArchaeology Hub

Ancient Egypt: Secret Room Discovered in Great Pyramid by Archaeologists Armed With Lasers

Giza Pyramids; The Vanishing Point

Enough about the Great Red Spot, this giant storm on Neptune is almost as big as Earth - AOL News

Women have more active brains than men: Largest functional brain imaging study to date identifies specific brain differences between women and men, according to a new report in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease -- ScienceDaily

'Multi-dimensional universe' in brain networks: Using mathematics in a novel way in neuroscience, scientists demonstrate that the brain operates on many dimensions, not just the 3 dimensions that we are accustomed to -- ScienceDaily

The Living Body - Our Extraordinary Life - YouTube