Welcome to San Miguel de Allende SciTechNature Zoom Get-Togethers
Tuesday, 11/16/21, 11:30am SMA time
Meetings at the Hotel Quinta Loreto community center temporarily suspended - Delta Covid rise.

A Zoom link access will be sent (if you are on the email list) to your email on Tuesday mornings at around 9:00am - Click the link when it's Tuesday at 11:30am (Central Daylight Time), 12:30pm EST
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Zoom link:

This Tuesday (11/16/21)

11/16/21- Topics and links sensationalized headlines:

Driving Dog & Fish - Woman With HIV 'Cleared' Without Treatment - Gene variant vulnerable to COVID - Less COVID risk with Statins - Alzheimer’s Disease, new treatment approach - Satoshi Nakamoto, will the real inventor please step forward? - Marble Machine Music - The Tree of Death - Insects take flight - Spiders' web - Wacko Geology - Radiation? Protect yourself with...Fungus! - Plasma Rain - Alternative to a video log fire - Partial Luna Eclipse - Satellite Mexico - Have we got Gravity wrong? - Really, really wrong - Galactic center, cosmic rays can't come in, radio waves coming out - Looking for aliens, some say yes, some say no - It´s Musk aliens - and Bezos Time - Garbage in Space threatens International Space Station - Plants kick ass - The Jovian Moons


"Flu Vaccinations in San Miguel"

Keith writes, We went for our flu shots this afternoon, to the public clinic (CAISES) in La Lejona.

We had our paper vaccination record from last year and didn’t need to show any ID.

They only asked for our address. If anyone goes from Sci-Tech-Nature, I’d suggest taking some ID if you don’t have a shot record (different from your Covid shot record).

We waited a little while, probably were there 30 minutes total. No cost. I asked the nurse who gave us our shots about the dosage. Everyone gets the same regardless of age.

3 mins - Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks - World’s First Driving Dog - YouTube


1 mins - Fish on Wheels - YouTube


Larry Dworsky's latest Covid statistics:


In Extremely Rare Case, a Woman With HIV Has 'Cleared' The Virus Without Treatment


Scientists Identify a Gene Variant That Doubles The Risk of Dying From COVID-19


Cholesterol-Lowering Statins Linked to Reduced Risk of Death From COVID-19 in Major Study


Promising New Approach To Treat Alzheimer’s Disease – And Also Vaccinate Against It


New Trial In Florida Could Finally Reveal The Identity Of Bitcoin's Creator - Satoshi Nakamoto


5 mins - Wintergatan - Marble Machine (music instrument using 2000 marbles) - YouTube


This 'Tree of Death' Is So Toxic, You Can't Even Stand Under It When It Rains


6 mins - Insects in flight | 11 incredible species in SLOW MOTION - YouTube


Scientists Used AI to Track Spiders Building Webs in The Dark in Unprecedented Detail


9 mins - Bizarre Geological Features of the Earth - YouTube


Could a Radiation Shield Made of Fungus Keep Astronauts Safe During Space Travel?


2 mins - Plasma Rain - Remastered | 8k - YouTube


44 mins - One Month of SUN - Remastered | 4K - YouTube


STN member Bill Krajec - Don't miss the longest partial lunar eclipse of the century next week


Exploring Earth From Space: Cancún, Mexico Captured in Stunning Satellite Image


18 mins - What If Our Understanding of Gravity Is Wrong? - YouTube


Smartphone friendly - Is Gravity being Induced? Stephen Goodfellow


There's a Mysterious Barrier Keeping Cosmic Rays Out of The Galactic Center


Strange radio waves emerge from the direction of the galactic center: A variable signal aligned to the heart of the Milky Way is tantalising scientists -- ScienceDaily


Astronomers Want To Build A Massive, Alien-Hunting Telescope - This Is Why


This Astrophysicist Says That We Should Stop Trying To Look For Alien Civilizations


5 mins - Elon Musk opens up about Aliens... - YouTube


Jeff Bezos Is Building A 10,000-Year Clock Inside A Mountain


Missile Emergency Provokes Fury After ISS Forced to Take Evasive Action


5 mins - The amazing ways plants defend themselves - Valentin Hammoudi - YouTube


45 mins - NASA's Stunning Discoveries on Jupiter's Largest Moons | Our Solar System's Moons - YouTube


Astronomer Bernie Reim gives us his monthly heads-up on in October. Go to this delicious mind-candy here on our site.

Links from last Session


SMA Science Book Club (Presently closed)


SMA Lifelong learning program



...Because the acquisition of clean water in our town is not only a science, but a necessity, especially in the San Miguel de Allende area:


The SciTechNature get-together is also on Facebook.


Caminos de Agua



SMA Rotary Club rests upon a foundation of compassion and science, so it too gets a heads up from SciTechNature.



Stephen Goodfellow